Times change so quickly. I realized it this morning.'Somehow I get attached to too many things too quickly and then later feel bad when it gets distant.A part of brain is always at work thinking ...thinking ...thinking. when you see things in perspective and ,without any speculation, just stare at the horrible facts of your life. Someone says why be so rude to oneself? And I tend to think why not? I mean I should be the first one to be rude to myself. And then point fingers at myself for all kinds of failures so far rather than blaming everything on someone other than myself. Heck ...why bother? huh ..Because it grows in importance. And takes your mind and heart in captivity. Before you realize the doom, it has already knocked your door down. An astonishingly white boring day ahead with lots to do and accomplish ...yet so filthy. I'm not too sure if this is what I wanted.