Here is the dose for today. Spring here is at the peak blooming all around ... :)... Here are a few pics from the shots around my apartment here ... Hope you like them all ...

2. Jungle Fire

3. Jungle Blooms

4. Ducks in the Lake

5. The ripple effect

6. The red cones

7. White Bulbs

8. The lonely but happy Bulb

9. The lonely and sad Bulb

10. The yellow coupled bulbs

11. The family of yellow bulbs

12. The Jungle budlight

13. Soft budsin the dusk hours

14. Little blooms

15. The young Bulbs

16. Tell me about being red with shame

17. Growing up to touch the sky

18. Go lucky, be happy

19. The peace of mind

20. Group of tigers

21. Your dream house. I bagged it! It's not for sale yet! Hurry now !!!

22. Oh C'mon now!!! There is some privacy needed here !

23. Oh God! Help me out!!!

24. Go green with budding spring!

25. We are looking for the light! It's down here somewhere :)

26. What a fresh morning !

27. I'll be the victor today!

28. Chirp!!! chirp !! more chirp !!

29. Togetherness can also be lonely at times !

30. The hero of the buds

31. Light is where all the action is !

32. I'm the next King of flowers this season!

33. I can't wait when you look at me! Chuckling me!!! Oh !!

34. Happy couple now !!

35. The small and beautiful!!

36. Sun borrows energy from me !

37. I'm a bit tired today!

38. Anyone, up for party tonight?

39. The love triangle.

40. Microsoft takes all stones from here!

41. Turning purple!

42. Bursting with excitement!

43. I'm just woken up!

44. Did you say the most beautiful ?

45. Leave the oldies! I'm a kid but can take on the world myself!

46. Me too!!

47. Kids will remain kids!