I always decided to exercise on a regular basis but could never actually do it probably because of lethargy. But this time around, I bought myself a pair of dumbbells and started working out. Needless to say, dumbbells are an easy way to work out and can be conveniently done everyday at home too. I chose dumbbells because dumbbell exercises form an integral part of most strength training programs. They can be used to develop the various different elements of strength such as maximal strength, hypertrophy or muscle mass, explosive power and strength endurance. Free weights such as dumbbells activate smaller stabilizing muscle groups to control the exercise. Resistance machines on the other hand, tend to work muscle groups in very strict planes of movement. The downside of this very strict movement is that while some muscle groups will become significantly stronger, other, smaller muscles are neglected.
The other advantage dumbbell exercises have over machines is that they fit around your body so the movement can be performed correctly. Although resistance machines can be adjusted, such as the seat height for example, the movement pattern is still largely governed by how the machine is built.
Athletes typically favor dumbbell exercises over machines as they can replicate sport-specific movements more accurately. They also know that they will develop a more balanced physique and structure if most of their routine employs free weight exercises.
Here are some of the exercises that I do. Hope you might also benefit from these details:Chest Dumbbell Exercises
Flat Chest Presses
Flat chest press
1. Lying flat on bench, hold the dumbbells directly above chest, arms extended.
2. Lower dumbbells to chest in a controlled manner.
3. Press dumbbells back to starting position and repeat.
4. Avoid locking elbows.

Incline chest press
1. Adjust bench to an incline of 30 to 45 degrees.
2. Repeat as above.
Flat Chest Flies
1. Lying flat on bench, hold dumbbells directly above chest.
2. Bend elbows slightly and maintain throughout the exercise.
3. Open arms to sides. Elbows should remain 'locked' in a slightly flexed position.
4. When upper arms are parallel to floor, return the weights to the starting position and repeat.
Incline Chest Flies
1. Adjust bench to an incline of 30 to 45 degrees.
2. Repeat as above.
Shoulder Dumbbell Exercises
Seated Shoulder Presses
1. Sit upright on bench with dumbbells over head. Make sure back is flat.
not 2. Lower dumbbells slowly to shoulders.
3. When arms are at 90 degrees, press the dumbbells back up and repeat.
Lateral Raises
1. Stand upright, knees slightly bent, shoulder width apart, holding dumbbells at sides.
2. Bend elbows slightly and raise the dumbbells out to sides. Keep elbows slightly bent throughout.
3. When arms are parallel to floor, slowly lower back and repeat.
Reverse Flies
1. Sit on edge of bench, feet flat on the floor. Bend over so chest is almost resting on thighs.
2. Hold dumbbells next to feet and bend arms slightly. Open arms out keeping elbows bent.
3. When arms are parallel to floor, slowly lower dumbbells back.
Front Raises
1. Stand upright, knees slightly bent, shoulder width apart. Palms should be towards thighs.
2. Raise one dumbbell directly in front of you.
3. When arm is parallel to ground lower dumbbell slowly back. Repeat with the other arm.
Enough for today ... I'm trying to find out what all possible ways are available to do more exercises with simple dumbbells.