दुनिया में सबसे बड़ा रोग, मेरे बारे में क्या कहेंगे लोग ?
don't you agree?
Monday, August 24, 2009
The biggest trouble in the world
Sunday, August 23, 2009
PJ ki Barsaat
जरा गौर फरमाईये ...
अर्ज किया है ...
जब जब घिरे बादल तेरी याद आई,
जब जब घिरे बादल तेरी याद आई, ...
जब झूम के बरसा सावन तेरी याद आई,
गौर फरमाईये पहले लाइन पर ...
जब जब घिरे बादल तेरी याद आई,
जब झूम के बरसा सावन तेरी याद आई,
जब-जब मैं भीगा तेरी याद आई,
अब रहा नहीं जाता, छतरी लौटा दे भाई ...
Time pass .. sorry Full time pass (FTP)
तेरे सारे भासन आज मुझको याद आए
पहले दिन से आखिरी तक थे सुनाए
आज वही सब बातें तेरी दोहराऊँगा
आज दिन है मेरा तुझको सुनाऊँगा
लोहे को बस लोहा ही तो काटता है
हीरे को बस हीरा ही तो काटता है
सोने को भी सोना ही बस काटता है
जहर को जहर ही काटता है
जा साले ...
तुझे भी कुत्ता ही काटेगा ... :)
हा हा हा ...
Fundamentals of Desi college ...
I was wondering how many of us have been through a Desi college? The term "Desi" is a well known word for all Indian "public" in US. anyone who has been in US or UK for at least once would understand at once that "Desi public" are Indians. no .. no ..it's not the US people who call us "Desis", it's we "Desis" who call ourselves as "Desis" for example when you go for an evening walk in New York and then you see so many Indians around and you say "What yaar! I mean Desis are all around here. I just don't like it here man! WTF!" or when you ride a bus from Wembley to Alperton in suburban London and see half the bus is full of "Desi public" you say "ssala! her jagah Desi hi dikhte hain!". So I thought what will be a "Desi college" like .. Well, it doesn't take much time to figure out that you will immediately know that you are in a Desi college when there are more people in the canteen than in the classes. You have professors who are as clueless about the subjects as you are. You know more about a subject than your professor.You learn more in the coaching classes than in your college. Your most intense study period is between the exam warning bell and the time that your question paper lands on your table.You can buy your college projects.The lab equipments are as old as your grandfather.The computer lab is the coolest (literally) hangout in the college. The xeroxwala outside your college is your best friend.When you have a horde of faltu days to celebrate Friendship Day, Rose Day, Chocolate Day, Traditional Day.Where being blacklisted (or getting a black dot) is a moment of pride.When vivas are conducted in your mother tongue. The only time a college sees complete attendance is the week of the college fest. When it is actually the peons who rule the college.... :P
What say?
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Advani stopped Vajpayee from acting against Modi: Jaswant
See http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/articleshow/4922119.cms for details.
This is good and bad. Good on the part of Jaswant Singh that he is making the truth known to the public. Even though, public knew all of this. It would have been anyone's guess that Advani and Modi were hand in gloves on Gujarat riots. They were and are incapable leaders (?). They should both be ashamed for their inability to stop defaming the secular image of India and tolerant Hindus in general.
On the other hand, Jaswant should be ashamed of his selfishness. He should have spoken the truth at that time and should have been a force to build pressure on senior leaders (?) to take action on Gujarat. He only thought about party and not the nation even after taking oath on Indian constitution that nation will be above all the self interests. All such people who have been working against the national interest should be jailed and taught a lesson. Every politician on a public oath must take all decisions for the best interest of the country and not for one's party or individual. Shame on all BJP senior leaders, Vajpayee included.
Vajpayee being the head of such a congregation, should have taken a wise and fair decision. He, too, failed the oath of trust and duty. He ,too, failed the Indian constitution and public in general. The highest post should have taken stern action against the evil leaders(?). Shame on you!
Saturday, August 1, 2009
Make a wish ...
Click on this image, cross your eyes and make a wish ...
Most readers will probably recognize this one right away as an autostereogram (also
called Magic Eye), a popular fad in the 1980s and 1990s. Autostereograms are computergenerated images which when viewed with crossed eyes, appear as a vivid threedimensional image magically suspended in mid-air.
So if you have not yet seen the image hidden in the picture, please give it a crack now. It works best if you place your face about 30 cm from the image and then cross your eyes until an image appears. Make sure to make a wish before doing so.
If you don't know how to cross your eyes, see this.
The scientific explanation for how Magic Eye images work is rather simple. The image
consists of a series of repeating patterns. For the type of autostereogram that I used in the comic, the image appears as a random set of dots when viewed normally. However, when a viewer looks at the image at close distance while crossing her eyes at just the right angle, each of her eyes are fixed on a different set of an adjacent pair in the repeating pattern and her brain mistakenly perceives the two patterns as a single image at a different distance.
Friday, July 31, 2009
I was trying to compile some of the stuffs in my native language ... :P
The saying is "One who does not know Maithili deserves one's ears to be pulled"
जे ने बूझै मैथिलि, तकर कान पकैर क ऐंठ ली ... :)
हिन्दी --> मैथिलि ( उदाहरण )
अ़ब / अभी --> आब / अखन (अब चलो --> आब चलू / चौलू )
कब --> कखन (कब आओगे --> कखन ऍब / ऐबय)
तब /तभी --> तखन (मैंने बोला तब उसने बोला --> होम कहलियय/कहल्यैन, तखन ओ कहलखिन )
कैसे --> केना (ये कैसे हुआ ? -- > ई केना भेल ?)
कैसा --> केहेन (अब तबियत कैसी है --> आब तबियत केहेन अईछ / अई)
थोड़ा --> कनी (मुझे थोड़ा सा चाहिए --> हमरा कनी चाही)
(मुझे थोड़ा सा हीं चाहिए -> हमरा कनिक्के चाही)
क्यूँ --> कीयै (ये क्यूँ कर रहे हो ? --> ई कीयै क रहल छी ?)
क्या --> कथी / की ? (क्या कहा? --> की/कथी कहलयय?)
कहाँ --> कत्त (कहाँ जा रहे हो ? --> कत्त जाई छी ?)
कौन --> के / कून (कौन/किसने बोला --> के कहलक ?)
(कौन सा खिलौना चाहिए --> कून खिलौना चाही ?)
मैं/हम --> होम (मैं झा बोल रहा हूँ --> होम झा बाईज रहल छी)
तुम/आप --> अहाँ (आपका नाम क्या है ? --> आहाँ के नाम की अईछ ?)
ये --> ई (ये क्या है ? --> ई कथी/की छई ?)
वो --> ओ (मुझे वो लाल वाली चुडियाँ दिखाओ --> हमरा ओ लाल वला चूड़ी देखाउ )
है / हैं --> अईछ / छी (मेरे पास पैसा है --> हमरा लग पैसा अईछ)
उसका --> हुनकर ( ये उसकी कार है --> ई हुनकर कार छैन / छई)
इसका --> हिनकर /एकर (इसका मैथिलि क्या होगा ? --> एकर मैथिलि की हेतय ?)
बोलो --> बाजू (तुम बोलो --> अहाँ बाजू)
बोला था --> बजने छलौं (तुमने बोला था --> अहाँ बजने छलौं / )
बोला जाएगा /बोलोगे --> बाजब/कहब ( बाद में बोलोगे की मैंने कहा --> बाद में कहब/बाजब जे होम बजलउ /कहलउ)
बोलने वाले हैं --> बाजोँ वाला छी
बोल रहे हैं --> बाईज रहल छी (तुम बोल रहे हो --> अहाँ बाईज रहल छी)
शाम --> सांझ
नहीं --> नैयं (मुझे नहीं खाना नहीं खाना --> होम नैयं खैब / हमरा खाना नैयं खै के अईछ)
कुछ --> किछो (कुछ भी बोलो --> किछो कहू )
Common sentences
खाना हो गया ?
-- भ गेल खाना ?
आप कैसे हैं ?
--अहाँ के की हाल चाल ?
मैं ठीक हूँ
-- होम ठीक छी
मैं इंडिया जा रही/रहा हूँ
-- होम इंडिया जा रहल छी
एक काम करो
--एकटा काज करू
तुम मुंबई कि तरफ़ जाओ मुझे ऑफिस में काम है
--अहाँ मुंबई के तरफ़ जाऊ हमरा ऑफिस में काज अईछ
आज का दिन कैसा गया?
-- आई के दिन केहेन गेल?
मैं पागल हो गई/गया हूँ
-- होम पागल भ गेल छी
क्या कर रहे थे
-- की क रहल छलौं
some more .... English --> Maithili
I --> होम
he --> ओ
She --> ओ
You --> अहाँ
It --> ई
One/two/three --> एकटा / दुटा /तीनटा
Come --> आउ
Came --> एल्खिन
Will come --> एथीन
Open --> खोलू
e।g. open it now --> आब खोलू
it's open --> ई खूजल छई
Opened --> खूलल / खूजल
e.g. it has opened --> ई खुइज गेल छई
he opened --> ओ खोललखिन
Will open --> खोल्थींह / खुजतई
e.g. it will open --> ई खुजतई
Ram will open it --> राम एकरा खोल्थींह
Sit --> बईसू
Walk --> चलू / चौलू
Eat --> खाऊ
Drink --> पीबू
Win -->
Go -->
Run -->
I go -->
He goes -->
He eats an apple -->
He is eating an apple -->
He ate an apple -->
I saw the film last week -->
She came by bus yesterday -->
They went to the mosque -->
He slept the whole night -->
He wrote well in the examination -->
He has eaten -->
He had eaten -->
He had gone -->
He had come -->
He will eat -->
He will go -->
He will come -->
What is your name? -->
What -->
Is -->
Your -->
Name -->
What did you do? -->
What should I do? -->
What can I do? -->
What are the questions? -->
What were the questions? -->
What is the last question? -->
What is written in the letter? -->
What you had been told? -->
What will be the answer? -->
Why did you come? -->
Why did you sleep? -->
Why did you tell him to go? -->
Why did he bring the bag? -->
Why did she pay the money? -->
Why did they sit there? -->
Why do you drive the car? -->
Why are they late for the meeting? -->
How did you come? -->
How did you sleep? -->
How did you drive? -->
How did you write? -->
How many apples are there in my hand? -->
How many did you take? -->
How much did he pay you? -->
How was the journey yesterday? -->
Which way did you come? -->
Which is your favourite colour? -->
In which room did you sleep? -->
Which story did you tell? -->
Which is the sweetest fruit? -->
Which is the best newspaper? -->
Which Indian state has the largest population? -->
Where did you come from? -->
Where did you sleep? -->
Where is the manager’s cabin? -->
Where should I go? -->
Whom should I contact? -->
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Story of Bubbal Singh ...
When Software Developer Gets Bored
Have you guys ever wondered if you were a software developer or software engineer and you had a girlfriend ... what kinda life you will have ...or what sorta conversation you will have with your girlfriend ... ?? An example is when a male software developer's girlfriend gets bored ..what all she does ... and when He gets bored what will He do ?? :P (click on this cartoon image to see for yourself)
Haahahaha ... I think I have seen so many cases by now ...which exactly matches my feelings ...
Michael Jackson was my closest friend ...
Wow... Ever since Michael's death, almost everyone or anyone comes on TV and opines about him ... For that matter somehow the TV reporters always find someone who had been knowing the famous personality who just died. Amazing reporting ... (click on the cartoon image to enlarge)
God save these reporters and the news media ...
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Video tour of space station in space
Here is a fascinating you tube video on the space station tour by an astronaut. See how they keep floating and working at the same time ... It's a great show .. :D
Also, you will notice that they use Windows XP and how much of their space is occupied by trash. :(
I wonder what they do with so much trash ??
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Your Present is Your Past and Future (तू आज का मालिक है )
तू आज का मालिक है ...
आज की हीं ज़िन्दगी है, कल क्या होगा किसको पता ?
आज में जो तू जिया तो, कल का सूरज तेरा हुआ।
बीते कल की बात छोड़ो, हाथ मलके न कुछ होगा
आज की तारीख तेरी, इसमें तू कुछ कर के बता।
मान ले तू बात मेरी, आज यही बस कल होगा
कल कभी भी आज न हो, आज में जो तू बैठा।
दुनिया उनके पैर पकड़े, आज में जो हैं जीते
आज को पहचाने न जो, ठोकरों को वो पीते।
आज में तकदीर तेरी, आज हीं तस्वीर है
हर एक कल का तू है मालिक, आज गर तू धीर है ।
Listen to this poem in my voice ...
Friday, June 19, 2009
GodDamn!!! I'm not doing nothing :(
NewTon's Calculus??
Monday, June 1, 2009
Dhritrashtra & Duryodhan in Indian Parliament and Life
After the 15th General Elections in India and Congress attaining the so-called mandate to rule India again, there are a few things worth noting. I will take up such "worth noting" things one-by-one in each blog. The most amazing of all such issues is the existence of "Dhritrashtra Syndrome". If you have watched "Mahabharata" on TV during your childhood days (or you could watch it now on youtube for free), you would realize that Dhritrashtra did not do any good to Hastinapur by always supporting his son Duryodhana. It's the same situation being repeated again and again in current Indian political & social scene. Rahul Gandhi's so called young team has most of the team members belonging to one or the other pre-historic political families. They have been learning corruption, betrayal, bad-administration and being idle & non-functional from their beloved socialistic/Shwabhimani dads/moms right since they were kids. I tried to dig through the list as to how many such seats are occupied in our parliament as of today.
Sounds like there are more than 100 seats (out of 543) occupied by such Duryodhanas who will be carrying the legacy of corrupt politics into the new era. They will try their best (and succeed!) in clogging the working of Lok Shabha almost every day. They won't ask a question on the status of the development of their constituency during the question hour. They will stay home or will be touring in some foreign country or Kerala/Hill stations 80% of their time when they will actually be needed in their constituencies. They will keep appearing in newspapers for all wrong reasons. They will continue to use public money and services without ever caring to serve the nation. They will continue to raise their kids so that they can take the legacy of corruption forward when they get to the age of 80 years or so (in some cases more than 89 years!). They will make every effort to divide us on the basis of language, caste or religion. If everything else will fail, they will try to raise the Indian national flag and beat up some foreigner or will criticize US or China. They will try to impress the Indian youth by cheating some foreign degrees from foreign universities which they never attended. They will kill every such reporter who brings such truths in a national Daily. They will prosper and get your sympathy votes by writing into their supportive newspapers like TOI or HT or any such regional newspaper which work as their mouthpiece.
In this election itself there were approx. 40 such young and dynamic politicians were added to the pre-existing list. I have tried to collect this data only for those who could successfully fool their constituencies into electing them for not developing their constituencies for at least the next five years. Here are some of the young blood from this 15th great General Election that the World watched in the World's Greatest Democracy:
•Milind Deora (Cong), Mumbai South: The 33-year-old Boston educated son of outgoing petroleum minister Murli Deora retained his seat despite initial jitters that the BSP and SP candidates would divide his votes.
•Supriya Sule (NCP), Baramati: The daughter of NCP chief Sharad Pawar won from her father’s pocket borough with a thumping 3.36 lakh margin. She was elected to the Rajya Sabha in 2006.
•Priya Dutt (Cong), Mumbai North Central: Sunil Dutt’s daughter and the sitting MP trounced lawyer Mahesh Jethmalani of the BJP. Priya had been elected to the Lok Sabha in a by-election after her father’s death.
•Nilesh Rane (Cong), Ratnagiri-Sindhudurg: The 27-year-old elder son of state Industries Minister Narayan Rane beat former minister Suresh Prabhu of the Shiv Sena.
•Sanjay Dina Patil (NCP), Mumbai North East: The son of former MLA Dina Bama Patil shocked political pundits by defeating former BJP MP Kirit Somaiya. With a strong Gujarati and Maharashtrian pocket, the seat was considered unsafe for the Congress-NCP. A vote split by the MNS’s Shishir Shinde saw Patil through, with a thin margin of 2,933.
•Sameer Bhujbal (Cong), Nashik: The nephew of Deputy Chief Minister Chhagan Bhujbal won in Nashik by over 22,000 votes, thanks to a vote split induced by the MNS. Sameer, who manages Bhujbal’s network of educational institutions, is the third member of the family, after uncle Chhagan and cousin Pankaj, to contest polls.
•Bhaskarrao Patil Khatgaonkar (Cong), Nanded: The son-in-law of former chief minister Shankarrao Chavan and the brother-in-law of incumbent Chief Minister Ashok Chavan, he had lost the seat s last time. He grabbed the seat back by beating the BJP nominee by 74,614 votes.
•Mukul Wasnik (Congress), Ramtek: The son of former MP Balkrishna Wasnik and a former minister of state and AICC general secretary, Wasnik defeated Kripal Tumane from the Ramtek (reserved) seat in Vidarbha by 21,947 votes.
•Vijay Bahuguna (Cong), Tehri-Garhwal: The son of former UP CM Hemvati Nandan Bahuguna and brother of current UPCC chief Rita Bahuguna Joshi retained his seat by beating ace shooter Jaspal Rana. Vijay Bahuguna is also the first cousin of Chief Minister B C Khanduri. A former judge, he won the Tehri seat in a by-poll in 2007.
•Maheshwar HaZari (JD-U), Samastipur: The cousin of former Hajipur MP Ram Vilas Paswan defeated Paswan’s younger brother Ramchandra Paswan by more than one lakh votes. Hazari had quit the LJP after being denied a ticket.
•Ramesh Katti (BJP), Chikkodi: The Katti family who are Lingayats switched from the JD-S to the BJP following the May 2008 Assembly polls when the JD-S was almost wiped out. Ramesh’s brother Umesh, a former JD-S strongman from Belgaum and a minister in the Yeddyurappa government, was instrumental in getting him the BJP ticket. Ramesh won the seat with a margin of 5,000 votes.
•J Shantha (BJP), Bellary: The only woman candidate to be fielded by the BJP in Karnataka, the 37-year-old Shantha is the sister of B Sreeramulu, the BJP MLA from Bellary and Health Minister in the Yeddyurappa government. BJP leader Sushma Swaraj had suggested her name for the seat. Shantha defeated her Congress rival by a narrow margin of 2,243 votes.
•Shivakumar Udasi (BJP), Haveri: The 42-year-old son of C M Udasi, Minister for Public Works department in the state government was chosen to contest the seat at the insistence of his father, an influential Lingayat leader. Udasi won by 88,220 votes.
•B Y Raghavendra (BJP), Shimoga: The elder son of Chief Minister B S Yeddyurappa appeared in the poll fray despite his father swearing that his sons would not be considered for tickets. The 36-year-old runs a couple of educational institutions and lives in Shimoga with his family. His biggest role in politics prior to the polls was managing his father’s Assembly constituency. He defeated veteran S Bangarappa by a margin of 51,118 votes.
•H D Kumaraswamy (JD-S), Bangalore Rural: The 50-year-old former CM and son of former PM H D Deve Gowda commands more mass appeal than his father on account of his politics of connecting to the common man. Kumaraswamy barely campaigned for himself but managed a victory margin of 1.3 lakh votes.
•Victory for Botcha family: When Chief Minister Y S Rajasekhara Reddy allotted three Assembly tickets and ensured one MP ticket to the family of Housing Minister Botcha Satyanarayana, it raised several eyebrows in the Congress. Today, Satyanarayana is laughing at his detractors. Not only did he win from Chipurpalli Assembly constituency, his wife Jhansi Lakshmi won the newly created Vizianagaram Lok Sabha constituency. His brother Appalanarasiah won from Gajapartinagaram and nephew Appalanaidu won from Nellimarla Assembly seats.
•Jagan Mohan (Cong), Kadapa: YSR’s son Jagan Mohan became a first-time MP from Kadapa, winning with a margin of 1.79 lakh votes. Editor and owner of the Telugu daily ‘Sakshi’, Jagan waged a running battle with two leading Telugu dailies whenever they criticised his father. After launching a 24-hour new channel recently, he is all set to start a cement company in Kadapa.
•M K Azhagiri (DMK), Madurai: The elder son of Chief Minister M Karunanidhi was the automatic candidate for Madurai, his fiefdom for the past several years. This was his first election from Madurai. He is one of the top contenders from the party for a minister’s post in Delhi.
•Dayanidhi Maran (DMK), Central Chennai: He won his first election from Central Chennai in 2004 and went on to become the Union IT and Communications Minister. Karunanidhi’s grandnephew and son of late Murasoli Maran has managed to retain his seat. Dayanidhi and his elder brother Kalanithi had a problem with the Karunanidhi family which cost him his cabinet post. But they made up in time, enabling his re-election. Another contender for a cabinet berth.
•Rahul Gandhi (Cong), Amethi: Like his mother and Congress chief Sonia Gandhi, Rahul Gandhi won by a margin of more than four lakh votes. The Congress general secretary, credited with the revival of his party in the state, had a victory margin of 4,64,195 votes. Sonia Gandhi won from Rae Bareli with a margin of 4,81,490 votes.
•Varun Gandhi (BJP), Pilibhit: The son of Maneka Gandhi contested the election for the first time and was drawn into much controversy for his alleged hate speech. Varun won from the Pilibhit seat, his mother’s constituency for many years.
•Akhilesh Yadav (SP), Firozabad and Kannuaj seats: The son of Samajwadi chief Mulayam Singh Yadav had fought this election from two seats and won both. He won Firozabad with a margin of around 60,000 votes and Kannauj seat by over one lakh votes.
•Dharmendra Yadav (SP), Badaun: Nephew of Mulayam Singh Yadav, Dharmendra was given the ticket from Badaun. This had led to some internal bickering leading to the resignation of sitting SP MP Saleem Sherwani. Dharmendra beat Sherwani, who fought on a Congress ticket.
•Jayant Chaudhary (RLD), Mathura: The son of RLD leader Ajit Singh tasted success on his first attempt. Confident of the three lakh Jat votes in the area, Chaudhary beat BSP veteran Pandit Shyam Sundar Sharma and the Congress’s Manvendra Singh.
•A Sampath (CPM), Attingal: The 46-year-old son of former MP and CPI (M) leader K Anirudhan had won from the erstwhile Chirayankizhu constituency in 1989, but was pushed to the background following group rivalry in the party.
•Jose K Mani (Cong-M), Kottayam: The 45-year-old is the son of Kerala Congress (M) leader K M Mani. A senior tactician of the UDF, Mani had tried several times to promote his son in the Christian-dominated regional party.
•Dip Gogoi (Cong), Kaliabor: The younger brother of Chief Minister Tarun Gogoi won for the third time (including a by-election through which he entered the House in 2001)) from Kaliabor. He defeated Gunin Hazarika of the AGP by a margin of more than 1.5 lakh votes.
•kalikesh singh deo (BJD), Bolangir: The 35-year-old royal from Bolangir, son of minister A U Singh Deo, defeated sitting BJP MP and sister-in-law Sangeeta Singh Deo. With interests as varied as golf and scuba diving, the Doon School alumnus was earlier a state MLA.
•Sangma family: Former Lok Sabha Speaker P A Sangma’s daughter Agatha, who had won from Tura after her father chose to become an MLA in 2008, retained her seat as NCP candidate by defeating Deborah C Marak (Cong) by 17,945 votes. Incidentally, four of the six family members — with the exception of P A Sangma’s wife and eldest daughter Christie K Sangma — are all members of the Assembly and Lok Sabha.
•Harsimrat Kaur (SAD), Bathinda: Wife of Deputy Chief Minister Sukhbir Badal and daughter-in-law of Chief Minister Parkash Singh Badal defeated Raninder Singh, son of former Punjab chief minister Capt Amarinder Singh. Both Harsimrat and Raninder had contested for the first time.
•Preneet Kaur (Cong), Patiala: Wife of Capt Amarinder Singh scored a hat-trick win from Patiala seat. Many still refer to her as Maharani and her husband Maharaja. She is now the senior-most Congress MP from the state.
•Manish Tewari (Cong), Ludhiana: The son of slain former RS member V N Tewari won the seat in his second attempt. His victory margin of over one lakh votes is the highest among all Congress winners from the state.
•Ravneet Singh Bittu (Cong), Anandpur Saheb: The grandson of former chief minister Beant Singh was handpicked by Rahul Gandhi after he became the first elected president of the Punjab Youth Congress.
•Deepender Hooda (Cong), Rohtak: The son of CM Bhupinder Singh Hooda won with a record margin of over 4.8 lakh votes. This was his second success from Rohtak.
•Kumari Selja (Cong), Ambala: The daughter of Dalbir Singh, former Haryana minister, was minister of state in the Manmohan Singh government. This is her third term in the Lok Sabha.
•Navin Jindal (Cong), Kurukshetra: The son of industrialist O P Jindal, who was killed in a plane crash, won from Kurukshetra for a second time.
•Mausam Benazir Noor (Cong), Malda North: Lost her mother Ruby Noor, MLA from Suijapur several times, just a year ago. But Mausam overcame the loss to emerge a winner.
•Dushyant Singh (BJP) Jhalawar-Baran: The son of former CM Vasundhara Raje retained the seat from where Raje was an MP from 1989 to 2003.
•Jyoti Mirdha (Cong), Nagaur: A doctor by profession, the granddaughter of veteran Congressman Nathuram Mirdha took everyone by surprise when her party trusted her with a ticket. The gamble paid off.
•Ijayraj singh (Cong), Kota: The son of three-time MP and erstwhile ruler of Kota Brijraj Singh is an MBA from Columbia.
Monday, May 25, 2009
Obama: A Black is the President of US of A
Ever since President Obama became "The President" of USA, every single radio station in the US, every single TV and print media cheered saying "A black has become the President of US for the first time in History". That's true. They also said "With this America has proved to the world that there is no racism in US left anymore". Little did they realize probably that while they were saying this, they were actually being racial. Had they not been racial why would they ever use the word "Black". How would it feel to say a prostitute that one does not consider her a prostitute. I know it's not decent setting this example for comparison but then I am sure it's the same when you compare Obama as being The President but still say "He's black". Here is another burning truth ...which will tell you the truth in US even now ...
The news item is taken from the source : http://www.nytimes.com/2009/05/24/magazine/24prom-t.html?_r=1&ref=us. Here is the full truth:
About now, high-school seniors everywhere slip into a glorious sort of limbo. Waiting out the final weeks of the school year, they begin rightfully to revel in the shared thrill of moving on. It is no different in south-central Georgia’s Montgomery County, made up of a few small towns set between fields of wire grass and sweet onion. The music is turned up. Homework languishes. The future looms large. But for the 54 students in the class of 2009 at Montgomery County High School, so, too, does the past. On May 1 — a balmy Friday evening — the white students held their senior prom. And the following night — a balmy Saturday — the black students had theirs.
Racially segregated proms have been held in Montgomery County — where about two-thirds of the population is white — almost every year since its schools were integrated in 1971. Such proms are, by many accounts, longstanding traditions in towns across the rural South, though in recent years a number of communities have successfully pushed for change. When the actor Morgan Freeman offered to pay for last year’s first-of-its-kind integrated prom at Charleston High School in Mississippi, his home state, the idea was quickly embraced by students — and rejected by a group of white parents, who held a competing “private” prom. (The effort is the subject of a documentary, “Prom Night in Mississippi,” which will be shown on HBO in July.) The senior proms held by Montgomery County High School students — referred to by many students as “the black-folks prom” and “the white-folks prom” — are organized outside school through student committees with the help of parents. All students are welcome at the black prom, though generally few if any white students show up. The white prom, students say, remains governed by a largely unspoken set of rules about who may come. Black members of the student council say they have asked school administrators about holding a single school-sponsored prom, but that, along with efforts to collaborate with white prom planners, has failed. According to Timothy Wiggs, the outgoing student council president and one of 21 black students graduating this year, “We just never get anywhere with it.” Principal Luke Smith says the school has no plans to sponsor a prom, noting that when it did so in 1995, attendance was poor.
Students of both races say that interracial friendships are common at Montgomery County High School. Black and white students also date one another, though often out of sight of judgmental parents. “Most of the students do want to have a prom together,” says Terra Fountain, a white 18-year-old who graduated from Montgomery County High School last year and is now living with her black boyfriend. “But it’s the white parents who say no. … They’re like, if you’re going with the black people, I’m not going to pay for it.”
“It’s awkward,” acknowledges JonPaul Edge, a senior who is white. “I have as many black friends as I do white friends. We do everything else together. We hang out. We play sports together. We go to class together. I don’t think anybody at our school is racist.” Trying to explain the continued existence of segregated proms, Edge falls back on the same reasoning offered by a number of white students and their parents. “It’s how it’s always been,” he says. “It’s just a tradition.”
Earlier this month, on the Friday night of the white prom, Kera Nobles, a senior who is black, and six of her black classmates drove over to the local community center where it was being held. Standing amid a crowd of about 80 parents, siblings and grandparents, they snapped pictures and whooped appreciatively as their white friends — blow-dried, boutonniered and glittering in a way that only high-school seniors can — did their “senior walk,” parading in elegant pairs into the prom. “We got stared at a little, being there,” said one black student, “but it wasn’t too bad.”
After the last couple were announced, after they watched the white people’s father-daughter dance and then, along with the other bystanders, were ushered by chaperones out the door, Kera and her friends piled into a nearby KFC to eat. Whatever elation they felt for their dressed-up classmates was quickly wearing off.
“My best friend is white,” said one senior girl, a little glumly. “She’s in there. She’s real cool, but I don’t understand. If they can be in there, why can’t everybody else?”
The seven teenagers — a mix of girls and boys — slowly worked their way through two buckets of fried chicken. They cracked jokes about the white people’s prom (“I feel bad for them! Their prom is lame!”). They puzzled merrily over white girls’ devotion both to tanning beds (“You don’t like black people, but you’re working your hardest to get as brown as I am!”) and also to the very boys who were excluded from the dance (“Half of those girls, when they get home, they’re gonna text a black boy”). They mused about whether white parents really believed that by keeping black people out of the prom, it would keep them out of their children’s lives (“You think there aren’t going to be black boys at college?”). And finally, more somberly, they questioned their white friends’ professed helplessness in the face of their parents’ prejudice (“You’re 18 years old! You’re old enough to smoke, drive, do whatever else you want to. Why aren’t you able to step up and say, ‘I want to have my senior prom with the people I’m graduating with?’ ”).
It was getting late now. KFC was closing. Another black teenager was mopping the floor nearby. A couple of the boys mentioned they had to wash their cars in the morning. Kera had an early hair appointment. The next night, they would dress up and dance raucously for four hours before tumbling back outside, one step closer to graduating. In the meantime, a girl named Angel checked her cellphone to see if any of the white kids had texted from inside their prom. They hadn’t. Angel shrugged. “I really don’t understand,” she said. “Because I’m thinking that these people love me and I love them, but I don’t know. Tonight’s a different story.”
Monday, May 18, 2009
How China Started Economic Downturn
Now, that the world is certain that we are headed for a great recession (and may be another great depression), and the focus is high on who did it ..what caused it ...and remedial actions ... to counteract the recession, it becomes necessary to understand why it has started. I listen to a number of economists on TV or YouTube saying that the economy is spiraling downwards because of wrong policies ...unfair business means etc. To the common man, all of this just translates to more struggle in life. You might run a risk of losing your job sooner or later. One might have difficulty supporting one's family given that the inflation is bound to go up. Since the time it started and Citibank came into headlines for wrong kinds of lending and credit practices, there were other reports that China may cause a fierce problem globally because of its export/import regulations and unfairly manipulating its currency. There were huge amounts of treasury bonds being written off to China. Simply put it meant US people were consuming much more than their capacity and this consumption was being provided by borrowing from China. Allow me to explain what role China has in causing the little problem that all of us face today ...
China and the United States have been developing a highly symbiotic, and dangerous, relationship. China has since discovered that if it builds its economy on cheap exports, it would allow China to grow much faster than it ever had. It would also allow to create enough jobs to mollify its population. American consumers snapped up these cheap exports — shoes, toys, electronics and the like (and they are still doing it ... just enter a Walmart supercentre anywhere in US and you will realise how)— and China soon found itself owning a huge pile of American dollars. This started happening around a decade ago. Governments don’t like to hold too much cash, simply because it does not pays any return. So the Chinese bought many, many Treasury bonds with their accumulated US dollars. This additional demand for Treasuries was one big reason (there, of course, are many other reasons too) that interest rates fell so low in recent years. Thanks to those low interest rates, Americans were able to go on a shopping spree (they are infamous for it by now) and buy those things, like houses, they couldn’t really afford earlier. China kept lending and exporting, and US simply kept borrowing and consuming. It all worked very nicely, until it became clear what's going to happen to the US and Chinese economy.
Today Chinese decided that they no longer wanted to buy Treasury bonds. The U.S. government’s recent spending for bank bailouts and stimulus may have been necessary to get the economy slowly moving again, but it also raised the specter of eventual inflation, which would definitely damage the value of Treasuries. If the Chinese get unnerved by this, they can instead use their cash to buy the bonds of other countries, which would cause interest rates in US to jump, prolonging the recession. Chinese premiere has said it umpteen number of times that they have lent a huge amount of money to the US and that they were concerned about the safety of their assets. Were China to cut back sharply on its purchase of Treasury bonds, it would send the value of the bonds down, hurting the Chinese, who already own hundreds of billions of dollars’ worth.
Chinese cheap money thus caused the over consumption by the US consumers. In China, the collapse of global trade has eliminated approx. 20 million jobs according to Beijing’s official numbers. If the global economy has to be brought back to a sustainable path, it requires dealing with the imbalances between China and the United States. In the broadest terms, this will mean that Americans must consume less and that Chinese must consume more. But here is the problem. Moving to an economy based more on consumption and less on exports happens to be the policy of the Chinese government. The biggest problem in China’s economy is that the growth is unstable, imbalanced, uncoordinated and unsustainable. However, the Chinese economy has become even less reliant on household spending, and even more reliant on business and government spending, in recent years.
Another interesting thing about China has been its currency value. Foreign-exchange rates are pretty complex, but the debate over the renminbi is really just a part of the broader issue of the economic imbalances between China and the United States. When a country exports more than it imports, as China has been doing, the value of its currency tends to rise. Exports then become more expensive (and thus decline), while imports become relatively cheap (and so increase). It’s a self-correcting system that, ideally, prevents big trade gaps between countries. But China has frequently intervened in the foreign-exchange markets to hold down the value of the renminbi and keep its exports booming. It has become less aggressive about doing so over the past few years, responding to international pressure, and the renminbi has risen more than 20 percent relative to the dollar. Still, many economists think that it still appears to be undervalued by about 10 to 20 percent. The Chinese tend to take umbrage at this analysis, because it suggests their boom has come at the expense of others.
When economists describe the relationship between China and the United States, it often sounds circular. US saves too little and China saves too much. China exports too much and US consumes too much. The situation can seem to be a reflection of Chinese and American cultures. Americans became hooked on cheap goods and cheap money, and China came to depend on the income from selling those goods. Chinese leaders didn’t set out with a grand plan to create an enormous trade gap but each step along the way seemed to make sense. The authoritarian government could stifle dissent with jobs. Local party leaders were rewarded for presiding over economic growth, and exports were the easiest way to achieve it. Once the export sector was built up, the cost of allowing the renminbi to appreciate was enormous.
The economic boom brought big profits, and companies held on to much of them. The government also increased its savings in last decade by collecting more taxes and, until the financial crisis, ran a budget surplus. And households increased their own savings in the 1990s, in reaction to the dismantling of many bloated state-run companies and the cradle-to-grave benefits. Much like India, when a Chinese citizen is rushed to the hospital after a road accident today, the first stop for the victim’s family is often the bank or whatever he has in his home locker. Many hospitals don’t admit patients until they have paid, and many families have no health insurance. Instead, they insure themselves, by saving.
The imbalances can seem to be overwhelmingly China’s fault. But that’s not truly the case. Just as policy makers in Beijing encouraged the rise in savings and exports, American policy makers took steps that encouraged over consumption. They allowed incomes for most families to stagnate, which made savings a luxury that many couldn’t afford and debt a way to finance rising living standards. US pretended — even argued — that there was no housing bubble.
Even more to the point, China, like the United States, is now paying a price for the two countries’ co-dependent relationship. The cities that experienced tremendous booms over the past decade are struggling with mass unemployment. Millions of recent college graduates, the demographic that often starts protest movements, are unemployed across China. Stocks have fallen more sharply than they have in US. These are the consequences of the unsustainable growth everyone worried about.
Other References:
http://www.bloggingstocks.com/2009/01/21/chinas-economic-downturn-finally-start-to-hurt-other-countries/ and
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Tomorrow Will Be No Different (कल फिर से वही आलम होगा)
Another election in India is over and results are out. There will again be a government of uneducated, so called, leaders. They will again fail to bring in changes. There are just a few young faces in the list who will learn how "not to" develop the country and leave it at the mercy of foreign debt ... Alas, when will this end ...
कल फिर से वही आलम होगा
आज जीत की खुशियाली है
कल फिर से वही आलम होगा
लोमड़ फिर से जमे हुए हैं
मजलिश में फिर मातम होगा
चार मरेंगे इस नुक्कड़ पर
और चौदह की बली चढ़ेगी
कल मरते थे कल भी मरेंगे
बाढ़ भूख की नहीं थमेगी
पाँच बरस पर दिखते थे वो
पाँच बरस पर ही दिखेंगे
रोटी कपड़ा छत की चाहत
कल थी कल भी वहीं रहेंगे
एक भगत हो कोई ऐसा
चुन चुन कर वो सबको मारे
और बुनें हम भारत ऐसा
इज्ज़त से सब नाम पुकारे ।
If You want you can listen to the poem in my voice ...
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Meaning of Winning an Indian Election

(The image is taken from Times Of India newspaper- You Said It section by R K Laxman).
This truly shows the current thinking of the politicians and the attention that the public deserves ...
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
The Eternal Truth of Mortal Life (ज़िंदगी का कड़वा सच)
ज़िंदगी का कड़वा सच
वो हवा से
बातें करता
जा रहा था
ठोकरों से
दुनियां को
भरमा रहा था
चर्चे उसके
हर तरफ़ हीं
हो रहे थे
लोग उसकी
बातें करके
खो रहे थे
क्या पता था
एक दिन है
उसको गिरना
दुनियां की है
ठोकरों मैं
उसको परना
हाय जालिम !
दुनियां ऐसी
क्यूँ बनाई
हर वो अपनी
चीज़ जो थी
है पराई
अपने उसके
आज बेगाने
हुए हैं
हर वो खूबी
जो थी कल तक
निगाहों पर
आज वो सब
बदले पैमाने
हुए हैं
सीखना है
ज़िंदगी से
आज उसको
पाठशाला वही
एक है
जो है चलता
समय की
पाबंदियों से
है परे वो
ख़ुद के अन्दर
जो हमेशा
झांकते हैं
दुनियां को
वो पारखी हीं
जानते हैं
ज़िंदगी की
सीख खट्टी
और मीठी
तपता रखे
की अंगीठी
भूल जाए
शत्रुओं को
याद रखे दोस्ती
वही सूरज
बढ़ता आगे
इस सदी औ हर सदी
Life is typically hard with some people... specially with people who want to do things differently ...different from the regular accepted way of life ... They face a hell lot of troubles ...and during the days of hardships ...all his good qualities which people used to praise about turn into evils ... But he learns ...learns from every fall ...that's a REAL HUMAN BEING... He bounces back after learning ...and the best learning is that you should forget all such people who were against you ...and must remember all your good friends at all times ...Also remember all the difficulties you had and how you overcame them with limited or no resources ...all on your own ...
If you want you can listen to this poem in my voice ...
Monday, May 11, 2009
Know What You Eat: Know Your Nutrition Facts
I came across a new interesting website today. It's amazing and is really beneficial for your daily life and food/nutrition planning. It gives you the information that you want to know about each food item that you take on a daily basis in the simple terms that you can understand. It also tells you if the food has a positive or negative impact on our health if taken in combination with other food items or depending upon how you plan your diet. I think everyone should plan their diet properly to be fit and healthy. I am on my way to be fit and healthy :). I just hope not everyone starts so late... So if you have not been following up with your health ..not doing any exercises ... doing groceries without knowing how much nutrition value each item has ... I think it's high time you should start doing it now. It's always better starting late than never.
So I stumbled upon http://www.nutritiondata.com. It's a site where you can go and look for a particular food item including cereals, fruits, vegetables etc and check their nutrition facts. For example if you eat cooked rice ... see what nutrition it gives you for a bowl of rice...
It tells you get 169 calories per serving of one bowl with no fat and some dietary fiber and some protein. It also tells you that the fullness factor is 2.4 tells an indication of how much full you will feel after having just 1 bowl of cooked rice but at the same time it's not in green zone of target map so it might not be a great meal alone in terms of nutrition.But it's good on calorie ration which is good in terms of carb as you are not accumulating any fat. The glysmic value tells you how much impact this food will have on your blood sugar level.The inflammation factor tells you how positive is this food when eaten alone.
Similarly it also gives you an idea of what is the proten quality contained in this food item and how complete is this item in terms of nutrients gain in the body.
If you want you can also see an in-depth detail of all nutrients contained in the item.
Isn't all this information great?
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Scooby's Health Exercises Are The Best
I was looking for a lot of exercises on websites for my Abs and cardio. Something simple that I could do at home and at the same time should have excellent outputs. From my previous post while watching the video of David losing 400 lbs, I came across another video of Scooby. I must say ... the exercises that Scooby shows in his videos are simply great. I tried his Abs/Cycling and it left me surprised with joy! I'm sure you'd like to watch his videos if you like exercises... Mind it, it might look like it's only for GentleMen, but if you watch it carefully, it's all meant for everyone. For example if you are a female and want to lose weight from your abs (belly) you must watch the last (third) video here in this blogpost...
Here is his basic video ...
And this one tells you how to read labels before doing your groceries ...
And this one takes your breath away ... Just navigate to 6:00 minutes ..to avoid watching the loseit program on iPOD...starting 6:00 minutes in video, he shows you how to do crunches and cycling ...that will work for your abs so much better than any other exercise that you've been doing so far ...
Check out all of Scooby's video's at http://www.youtube.com/user/scooby1961
To understand and plan your calorie needs and your food chart, I suggest you use this : http://crossfitperformance.com/images/FoodChart_Blocks.xls
To know how much calories do you need everyday check any of these :
You can use the following excel sheets too :
How one man lost 400 lbs. without surgery
This is simply amazing ... How someone lost and still won ... :D ...
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Save Your Life From Mar
Dedicated to lethargy ...
Save Your Life From Mar
Tring tring tring
I'm the lazy king
'm not here for labor
That's a crazy thing!
My mind wants to work
And heart presses fork
I being a lazy dog
Jus'Drink open the cork!
Focus on the goal
Teaches every soul
But my lazy inner being
Escapeth with the dole!
Tough is the road
Be a croaking toad
Jump on your hind limbs
Break it with your KO'd!
Win Win every war
Breaking every bar
Kill your inner lazy being
To save your life from Mar!
If you want you can listen to the poem in my voice ...
An Apple's View of The World Around Me!
Though, the place where I live is kinda always cold ...but the spring here is completely enjoyable. People just do not like to stay inside when they see sun shining in the spring.Almost everyone from the family either goes boating or fishing or some kind of sporting activity. The bad part is I have not learned swimming yet and so the "on my own" kind of water sport is out of question for me. But, my camera is my ultimate companion ... I had taken these pictures last Wednesday. I welcome you to the "Apple's view" of the world around me ...
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Spring Bloom at Peak ...
Here is the dose for today. Spring here is at the peak ...flowers blooming all around ... :)... Here are a few pics from the shots around my apartment here ... Hope you like them all ...