It's been more than a week now that the Oscar fever is gone. But truly speaking, it's picking up more in India now. Since an Indian cinema, Slumdog Millionaire, (though I am not sure if I should really call it an Indian cinema but I'll take this privilege considering that the star cast is Indian) got quite a few Oscars, a number of people now claim or comment on the Oscars that A.R. Rehman received or upon anything remotely related to Indian Oscar :). I found an e-mail in my mailbox day before yesterday which truly shows the Indian phenomenon. I am sharing these images here but I don't know if these images are copyrighted. If you know the copyrights, let me know so I can give due credits.
This one is for the director Danny Boyle. It shows Danny saying (I quote) "Throughout my life I had been looking for a good plot without knowing that the Oscar is hidden in the Slums of India".

And no one can disagree on the following cartoon. All the Indian politicians will sure keep trying to keep the slums alive in every Indian metro and elsewhere. I have purposefully not used the word Indian leaders because none of the politicians (and I want to emphasise, NO ONE) is a leader.
This one shows an Indian politician saying "We want to bag more Oscars next year. Therefore, we have decided to expand the slum area in India" :)
This cartoon takes away the Oscar from all the cartoons. :). It shows an Indian politician saying : "We also contributed a lot in getting home the Oscar because even after 60 years of independence, we did not allow the slums to be developed".

This cartoon is showing two poor beggar kids saying "Our 'Slum music' also might get a place in the film industry!".

I know this does not sound good. but alas, when will we be able to save our own people from misery. God bless India and Indians.