Thursday, March 19, 2009

Deadliest PJ for this month

The PJ load for this month ....
Q: What do you call the most religious unit in electric science?
A: Ohm

Q: Why do people who have so much pressure drink so much?
A: Well, people drink at a bar... And bar is the unit of pressure

Q. A man went to the church and told the priest,"Father, I have sinned ninety times". Father said, "Son don't worry you will get caught 45 times." How did Father work this out. Was he a clairvoyant?
A :) Because sin 90=cot 45
(Deadliest PJ according to me & Deepak:) )

Q) what is the volume of a person who has lost all his memory in a typical (bollywood filmy) accident !!!
A) 1/3 pi*r*r*r because he says
"main KAUN (cone) hoon !!??? "

Q) Wat do you call a cylinder of radius "z" units and height "a" units?
A) Pizza!
Coz volume of cylinder= Pi * r * r * h
=>pi*z*z* a

Q) Once all chemistry professors went to see the movie "Iron Man" expecting the iron man to be a lady. Why?
A)Because in chemical terms

Iron = Fe
Man = Male
So Iron Man becomes Fe-Male

Q. What is the Population Control Program of the Chinese Government called?
A. Chini Kam (another one of my favorites :) )

Thanks to :
Deepak Nema :)